
Build Up Labs

A platform, which provides an AI chatbot that will help you find the best European grants available for your project or idea.

Entities with a project idea, in search of European funds
Next.js, shadcn/ui and Tailwind
Desktop and Mobile


Explore the essence of GrantsFinder's branding, where creativity merges seamlessly with purpose, crafting a distinctive identity.


GrantsFinder logo

The logo is a fusion of the letter "G" from "Grants" and a magnifying glass, symbolizing "Finder", embodying the project's essence of discovery and opportunity.


The chosen color palette reflects a sense of sophistication and modernity.

From deep blues to versatile grays, each hue has been selected to evoke emotions of trust, clarity and maturity.


The modern Inter. font was chosen for GrantsFinder, adding a touch of contemporary elegance to the brand's identity.


Delve into the conceptual realm of GrantsFinder, where innovative ideas converge to shape a unique and visionary identity.

The idea would be to use artificial intelligence in the search for opportunities to obtain European funds for projects or project ideas.

For this purpose, a prompt should be provided, gathering relevant information about a project, based on example questions.

After it's submitted, cards would be generated with information about opportunities, extracted from websites currently used for this purpose, which would provide a good match with the description.

ArrowFirst version

Unleashing UX Magic

Dive deep into the heart of the project ideation.

Concept #1: Dynamic Form

Unveiling possibilities.

Concept 1

Concept #2: Chat Bot

Conversations that empower.

Concept 2

A Symphony of Ideas

Witness the fusion of brilliance. These distinct concepts harmonize into a revolutionary solution, bringing the power of intelligent interaction to life.

Concept 3

Shapping possibilities

Here, the canvas of creativity transforms into tangible structures.

Main shape

Beyond conversations.

Main shape

Other #1: A Smart Bird

The bird would talk to us and, in the end, would land on top of the best opportunity.

Bird concept 1Bird concept 2Bird concept 3

Other #2: A Box

The answers would be put inside inside a box and, in the end, the best opportunities would come out of it.

Box concept 1Box concept 2Box concept 3

Low-Fidelity prototypes

Sketching ideas.


A card for each search chat and a button that allows starting anew.

Low Homepage 1Low Homepage 2

Chat page

A main section for chatting with the chat bot and a right-side menu displaying found opportunities.

Low Chat page 1Low Chat page 2Low Chat page 3
Low Chat page 4Low Chat page 5Low Chat page 6

First steps

Take a look at the initial stages of the project, where ideas were just beginning to take shape and our code adventure was about to unfold.


Witness the early stages of the project, where ideas were just beginning to take shape.



Marvel at the evolution of raw concepts into polished designs, where styles breathe life into functionality.

After lightAfter dark

High-Fidelity prototypes

Explore detailed and refined prototypes that capture the essence of the envisioned user experience.

iAny reference to "Game of Thrones" in the prototypes is just placeholder text (Ipsum).

Searching for opportunities

Application status, while AI searches for the best opportunities.


Quick responses

Choose pre-defined answers, for a smooth interaction, saving time on typing.

Fast answersFast answers given

Simple selection

Opt between pre-defined options, for agile and uncomplicated decisions.

Multiple answers

Visible progress

Stay on track with a clear view of your progress, in the questions.

Questions progress

Smart highlight

Quickly find the best match, thanks to strategic highlightning - new badge on the card.

Best match

More results

Curiosity satisfied - load more results to keep exploring.

More results

Non-guided prompt

A video and highlighted example questions, for a search based on a project or idea description.

Non-guided promptVideo

Final version

See how results transform, from concept to final version.

Final version