Streaming Planet


A platform for the rental of cinema rooms, belonging to a fictitious company that provides Streaming services.

Lovers of Streaming, looking to experience a series in a cinema
ASP.NET MVC and Bootstrap


Explore the essence of Streaming Planet's branding, where creativity merges seamlessly with purpose, crafting a distinctive identity.


Streaming Planet logo

The logo blends the icon of a popcorn bucket with the shape of Saturn's rings. This fusion represents the duality between entertainment and the fascination with the cosmos.


The choice of a color scheme inspired by cinema, specifically the iconic blue and red from 3D glasses, adds a visually dynamic touch to the design while paying homage to cinematic experiences.


The choice of the Roboto font is grounded in its versatility, ensuring a crisp and legible appearance, across various platforms and screen sizes.


Delve into the conceptual realm of Streaming Planet, where innovative ideas converge to shape a unique and visionary identity.

The Streaming Planet project originated from a group collaboration, during my Bachelor's degree, in the Applied Software Engineering course.

Our challenge was to create a platform for something unconventional, yet practical. Inspired by the concept of Cinema, we envisioned a unique service - Streaming Planet.

Streaming Planet is not your typical streaming service. It's a cinematic experience brought to your fingertips. Imagine a platform that offers cinema room rentals and streaming services combined. With Streaming Planet, users can rent private cinema rooms to watch their favorite shows and films with friends or immerse themselves in a cinematic experience for series like "Game of Thrones".

Our platform caters to those who want more than just a regular streaming subscription. It's for individuals seeking a grand film night, groups craving an immersive TV series marathon, or anyone looking to enjoy a cinematic experience in the comfort of their own rented cinema room. Please, note that while the cinema rooms are described as physical spaces, they are purely fictional and part of the imaginative concept.

Unleashing UX Magic

Dive deep into the heart of the project ideation.

Although low-fidelity prototypes were not part of the scope, due to the condensed project duration, the concept for Streaming Planet drew inspiration from two main sources: the HBO Max website and the Cinemas NOS website. The fusion of these influences helped shape a unique and visionary user experience.

Concept #1: HBO Max

HBO Max's visual allure.

HBO Max website

Concept #2: Cinemas NOS

Empowering functionality, akin to Cinemas NOS.

Cinemas NOS website

High-Fidelity prototypes

Explore detailed and refined prototypes that capture the essence of the envisioned user experience.

Introduction and About us

Welcome to Streaming Planet! Learn about us and our advantages.

HomeAbout us


Login, registration, and account creation feedback pages.

Login pageRegistration pageAccount creation feedback page


Explore the cinema room rental experience.

New rentRents


Event organization and viewing pages.

Login pageRegistration page


Simulated payment experiences for testing.

Login pageRegistration page

Final version

See how results transform, from concept to final version.